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    Facility manager messaging to Office Flow app users

    Notifications screen

    • A.
      Create a new message by selecting the plus sign on top right corner.
    • B.
      Delete message for everyone by selecting “delete” after the message text.

    Message creation screen

    • C.

      Receiver of the message can be either:

      • Every app user who has access to the site or 
      • App users who have access to the specific floor.
        For instance, if you send a message to people who have access to floor 9, only the people who have access to floor 9 will receive the message.
    • D.

      Message type can be either:

      • Facility manager messages for general communication to building users or
      • Maintenance-related messages to building users.
    • E.
      The signature will be visible to receivers of the message as the sender name.
    • F.
      Write the message here and send it by selecting the arrow icon.
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